

Our vision is to believe that the diversity of individuals is a wealth, it is the engine of tomorrow. Taking into account the diversity of our society is first and foremost a principle of reality. It is also the belief that a society that makes room for each of its members is a stronger, more creative and more modern society.

For Sqorus, it is a performance lever. This diversity is found above all in the choice of our profiles. We believe that attracting the best and most diverse talent is a real asset in achieving S&H’s goals. Our consultants are recognised for their personality and the diversity of their experience.

As a signatory of the diversity and recruitment charter, we promote equal opportunities in our recruitment and promotions. This diversity of profiles creates a real cultural richness, the source of exchanges, questioning and open-mindedness beneficial to the projects and the well-being of the employees. But our diversity is also present in the plurality of our consultants’ expertise: business and technical.

This diversity of skills offered to our clients allows us to manage projects in their entirety, addressing both business experts (HR and Finance) and technical experts (IT).


Solidarity among our employees

Whatever the personal qualities of each person, it is teamwork that is responsible for success. With the intimate knowledge that each individual success supports the success of all, our teams are committed to helping each person progress, overcome challenges and improve in the long term. We are developing initiatives to encourage mutual support between employees: knowledge sharing and feedback workshops.

We also offer our consultants the opportunity to working together on company projects. Solidarity with our clients’ teams By integrating our clients’ project teams, our consultants become supportive of their challenges and objectives and do their utmost to ensure the success of their projects.

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Commitment of our teams to our clients

Our teams will remain committed to the client. Regardless of skills and motivation, in the face of implementation difficulties, it is commitment that determines success. You will find this value in each of our employees because we are all convinced that our professional value is a reflection of our results. Our customers have been placing their trust in us for over 20 years.

Commitment of our Managers to their teams

Sqorus has always put the personal and professional development of its consultants at the centre of its concerns. We therefore ask our managers to be committed to their teams and to support them in their personal and professional development. We favour proximity management and benevolence towards our employees.

Junior profiles are accompanied by mentors. We have identified practice leaders who have mastered a technology or methodology to share their expertise with all employees.

Social commitment

We also have a social and environmental commitment. We have signed the charters on parenthood, diversity, recruitment and the environment.

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