SQORUS invites the Petite MU to talk about invisible disabilities in the workplace

For the 27ᵉ edition of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities, SQORUS invites Anaëlle and Alice, creators of the Petite MU, who through comics bring a new perspective on disability.



November 27, 2023

Discover the actions undertaken by SQORUS for the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities.

  • A conference presented by Petite Mu on the theme of invisible disability in business, with a special mention for the theme of the 27ᵉ edition of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities: digital technology as a gas pedal of employment for people with disabilities.
  • A comic book exhibition on our premises to raise employee awareness.
  • An article written by one of our “Sqorusiennes” on the subject of digital innovations facilitating employment for people with disabilities.

A cross-cutting issue between our internal CSR projects & the LAB SQORUS.

The 27ᵉ edition of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities

 2023 may be over, but the actions, they last! SQORUS continues its commitment to equal employment opportunities. Thanks to our partnership with AGEFIPH and UNIRH75, we are in the process of building up our disability diagnosis, with a view to eventually taking stronger action on this subject, in line with our ecosystem and our values.


SQORUS (formerly Des Systèmes et des Hommes) is a Council firm specializing in digital digital transformation consulting of HR, Finance and IT functions. Our consultants work on for over 30 years with large companies on strategic strategic projects, à international dimensionaround information systems: evolution strategy, choice assistance, integration, Business Intelligence, Data Management, support and change management but also on issues around the Cloud and Artificial Intelligence.

We have been able to adapt to the new digital challenges, to the arrival of the Cloud, and to changes in working methods. We have succeeded in forging strong partnerships with the main publishers in the market and in attracting business and technical experts.

Our strength: our 300 talents dedicated to the success of your projects and sharing strong values: diversity, commitment and solidarity, which represent real value for the company and its customers.

Great Place to Work for 9 consecutive years, SQORUS is sensitive to the development of its Sqorusien.nes, their career development and their training in future-oriented solutions.

Best WorkPlaces 2023
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