Since its creation, diversity, equity, solidarity and commitment have been the basis of Sqorus’ relations with its stakeholders and employees: quality of life at work, equal opportunities, access to employment, environmental policy…

So many actions deployed internally and with partners to make Sqorus a more responsible company and Great Place to Work.

To illustrate its values of commitment and solidarity, the Sqorus Group has decided to support associations. Since 2019, Sqorus has been supporting SOS Children’s Villages by donating €1,000 to the Association for every new contract signed. Sqorus employees are also encouraged to participate in solidarity actions for associations by giving their time or by donating material.Amadou NGOM, President of Sqorus is involved in various projects related to diversity.




Many initiatives have been taken to make employees aware of the challenges of sustainable development and to reduce energy consumption:

Creation of the Environmental Charter | Implementation of eco-participatory measures |Posting of the directives implemented in the premises |Clean Day |Internal CSR newsletter |Selective sorting and recycling of waste |Selection of eco-responsible service providers…


Great Place to Work for 7 consecutive years, the management demonstrates its willingness to ensure a pleasant working environment for its employees, which encourages exchange, sharing and mutual support. It strives for a good quality of life at work (QWL) and a good balance between the professional and personal lives of its employees:

  • Workplace well-being workshops (yoga, sophrology, relaxation, etc.)
  • Work on the ergonomics of workstations
  • Organisation of more than 20 internal events per year (after work, quarterly, integration lunch, co-optation evening, kick-off…)
  • Collaborative library
  • Agreements on the right to disconnect and homeoffice
  • Signatory of the Parenthood Charter
  • Anniversary day offered to all our employees


The Sqorus group has made fairness and equality a priority in its human resources management. Through its HR policy, the Sqorus group seeks a balance between men and women and respects the diversity of profiles, which is the wealth of the company:

  • Creation of a recruitment charter
  • Implementation of People Review for promotions
  • Equality between men and women in recruitment, career progression, pay and training
  • Gender parity respected
  • Signatory of the Corporate Diversity Charter
  • 20 different nationalities in the teams


The Sqorus group seeks a balance between juniors and seniors and supports the professional integration of people with disabilities.

Access to employment for young workers:

  • Welcoming interns or work-study students trained as consultants and in new technologies (97% of interns are confirmed on permanent contracts)
  • Partnership with schools to enable engineering school students or people undergoing professional retraining to discover the consulting profession

Employment of senior citizens:

  • Voluntary policy of keeping older people in work, transfer know-how and skills, development knowledge mentoring
  • Senior Plan Second Career Interviews

Employment of people with disabilities:

  • Use of subcontracting, supply and service contracts with approved ESATs (Establishments or Work Assistance Service)


Our raison d’être, “To provide our employees and customers with an innovative and caring environment to have a positive and sustainable impact on our ecosystem”, embodies our commitment to the principles of the Global Compact. We aim to reconcile this commitment with our business objectives through innovation.

This year, we structured our commitment policy, defined our priorities and challenges, programmed a 2024 roadmap and set up a multi-disciplinary CSR team. We are conducting an acculturation campaign to raise awareness and mobilize our employees as CSR ambassadors.

We have carried out our Bilan Carbone with ORKI to identify the main sources of emissions and plan coherent impact reduction trajectories. We are pursuing our continuous improvement approach on key issues such as diversity and gender equity.

Aware of the impact of our sector, we are committed to digital and energy sobriety, as well as to controlling our value chain, with a responsible purchasing policy in the form of a programmatic approach.

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