The metaverse at the service of training

The metaverse at the service of training

The metaverse at the service of training Based on the information we have cited in our previous articles on what metaverse is and the controversies surrounding it, it seems interesting to address the topic of metaverse in the service of training. Will employees have...
Metavers, what are the first controversies?

Metavers, what are the first controversies?

Metavers, what are the first controversies? The metaverse has great potential for businesses, but it also carries certain risks that must be taken into account. Based on the information we cited in our first part on what metavers is, it seems interesting to inform you...
What is the metaverse?

What is the metaverse?

What is metavers? To give a complete vision of the metaverse today is not easy. This new environment promises a revolution. But what is the metaverse? What is it really about? What will change in the years to come? In this article, we explain everything you need to...