Manager: how to manage a project without rushing your teams?

The new managerial challenges tend to put the quality of life at work back at the center of our thinking. Managing a team has become a mission taking into account several variables. The human being and his or her skills have a central place in team management. Similarly, successful project management also depends on the management style and qualities of the manager. The latter must therefore demonstrate certain human qualities to be able to manage a project and bring it to a successful conclusion without rushing his teams

HR Strategy

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Managing a project: the qualities of a good manager

Getting people from different departments to work together on a project is not an easy task. The problem is how to manage individuals who have never worked together or who know little about each other? Especially since the hierarchical link between the manager and the new employees can be delicate to establish.

In order to carry out this type of mission, the manager must know :

  • organize the work
  • motivate its teams
  • manage conflicts
  • to respect the delivery deadlines
  • ensure the quality of the work provided.

Through these tasks, he/she will have to demonstrate certain human qualities that are essential to create team cohesion. He will be diplomatic and communicative in order to be able to convey strong messages without offending his colleagues. He will also have to be firm without being authoritarian. This communication can only work if he knows how to listen, reformulate and redistribute the information in a relevant way. The employee will feel listened to and understood, which will allow him/her to advance in his/her mission.

    The factors of good team management

    To lead a team, the manager must be present in the field, take his place as a coach and position himself in an active listening approach to better manage his employees. He can also surround himself with a deputy to whom he can delegate certain functions.

    The key to its cross-functional management is to build a schedule with intermediate steps that can be achieved and delivered by the employees. At each stage, the manager must take the time to review the situation with each person. These micro-interviews will allow him/her to encourage, reinforce or mention areas for improvement. Congratulating an employee is to encourage him/her in his/her efforts or in his/her successful actions.

    Experience often shows management errors on the part of managers, especially on managers who are young in their functions or recently promoted. The role of the manager can sometimes be tricky with teams that are more or less easy to manage on a daily basis. To remedy this, human resources can offer team management training on key topics such as priority management, delegation, psychosocial risk management or stress management with practical cases and role playing.

    Today, managers can also use project management and steering software to control the tasks of their employees or to set objectives. These tools make it possible to plan a project in a visible and clear way so that adjustments can be made if necessary at various intermediate stages.

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