Corporate training: a transformation in progress?

All experts agree that the field of corporate training is changing dramatically, even more so in these confined times. It is indeed essential that training systems adapt to telework and to the new generations of employees and their need to continue learning. Here is a presentation of the upcoming advances that are already impacting the training world. You will find this theme in our technological innovation file.

HR Strategy

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New learning methods

From now on, training is no longer the only way to develop skills. This is the principle behind the 70/20/10 model, which is sometimes already being applied in companies without them really knowing about this concept. Its main objective is to bring more coherence between formal (theoretical learning) and informal (learning by doing) training actions.

This method takes its name from the division of learning time in vocational training:

  • 10% of the time will be spent on formal learning,
  • 20% will be based on the exchange with other collaborators,
  • 70% will be based on practice and experimentation in work situations.

The rise of LXP

LXP(Learning Experience Platform) is a method of putting the user experience at the center of training. The employee will then be able to benefit from a better training, in total adequacy with his needs. The training content will be customized based on the information collected beforehand. LXP includes new features to increase employee engagement.

This method will gradually replace an older method still used in companies, known as LMS, which stands for Learning Management System. It was based on a more administrative and therefore less personalized management of the training.

New features include an intuitive and modern interface for a successful user experience. It should also be responsive in order to adapt to all media. The integration of each person’s social data contributes to the humanization of digital tools. Each user also has the possibility to choose the contents that interest him/her. Finally, all usage data is recorded in a dedicated area and analyzed.

Beyond the user experience in front of his LXP, new training experiences are emerging today.

    From serious games to virtual reality

    A company aiming to increase the skills of its employees will naturally look for the best means and tools to optimize their career path. The tools dedicated to training benefit today from technological progress. Thus, most training organizations have replaced traditional learning aids (such as slides) with resolutely more modern tools such as “serious games” and also virtual reality.

    The latter is based on an immersive approach to human resources: it immerses employees in real-life situations while giving them new experiences in a controlled and secure world. Often in its infancy in corporate training, virtual reality is undeniably at the heart of the internal ” digital learning ” policy and will appear in the next few years in all training plans and other educational courses.

    Repositioning the employee as an actor and influencer of his or her training, as well as proposing new experiences, are the challenges facing training managers today.

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