SOA and microservices: what are the benefits for an enterprise?

The notion of microservice designates a particular architecture during the development of applications. It differs from more traditional approaches (sometimes called monolithic architectures) by isolating the essential functions of an application. These are then called “services” and become totally independent of each other. SOA and microservices: what are the links and what benefits can companies gain from them? You will find this theme in our technological innovation file.

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A concept already well established

The division of an application’s functionality into independent services is not a new idea for development teams. In fact, this concept is largely inspired by an existing software practice, namely Service Oriented Architecture (SO A).

Before the emergence of this new technology, all the code of an application was concentrated in a single development tool (monolithic applications). In the event of an error during a code update, companies had the luxury of putting the entire application and its functionality online. From now on, this facility is no longer allowed.

The SOA architecture will allow each of the services to be deployed independently. Tests, parameterization and other developments will no longer have to suffer the constraints of an old architecture.

How to move from SOA to microservices?

Performing such a migration is not as complex as one might imagine. Technical advances in virtualization, particularly through the concept of containerization, are contributing to its success. It is now possible to independently launch each functionality of the same application in a common environment (operating system, network and own database).

This offers much more flexibility and security than previous practices, which required the creation of complex interfaces that were particularly difficult to evolve and maintain in order to facilitate communication between heterogeneous systems. After a few weeks of use, this set was very much like a black box that could not be debugged quickly.

What are the benefits?

The microservices architecture will significantlyreduce application development cycles and accelerate patch deployment, especially if accompanied by agile work methods. For the teams, such a change in habits will be stimulating, especially since it will be possible, thanks to the
It will be possible to work with several development languages in order to adapt to the specific needs of each functionality. At the same time, you will secure every service deployment.

Indeed, microservices will necessarily reduce the overall size of the application while allowing a sequenced production according to the services. Even if the teams will have to work together more in advance and synchronize their actions, this particular deployment capacity will bring undeniable added value. Finally, unlike the monolithic model, microservices retain their autonomy. Therefore, if one of them fails, the application remains functional.



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