Organization, talent management, recruitment: priority HR projects?

As the digital transition affects all business sectors, human resources are also confronted with the impacts of the digital revolution in the development of their HR strategy. The priority areas of HR, work organization, career management and the search for new talent, will benefit from the contributions of digital technology to make progress.

Rethinking the organization of work and the HR function

At a time of digital change, companies are facing many upheavals: digitalization, robotization, artificial intelligence… The arrival of these new technologies requires a complete reorganization of the work. One of the roles of HR is to ensure that employees are able to find their place despite all these changes and that they retain their commitment and motivation.

The HRDs’ mission is to transform the company into an organization that is constantly evolving thanks to an adapted training and knowledge transfer policy. While managing employees of various ages and mentalities, they must continue their efforts to move towards professional and salary equality between men and women.

Redefine talent management policy

To keep committed and motivated employees, HR must ensure the implementation of an effective
(Gestion Prévisionnelle des Emplois et des Compétences). They have several levers for action:

  • communicate transparently and clearly to increase employee motivation
  • Valuing people and ensuring that seniors remain in employment
  • offer new opportunities for development through the acquisition of skills thanks to social learning, online training platforms (LMS), MOOCS, blended learning, etc.
  • ensure the ergonomics of workstations and take into account the difficulty of the work
  • develop promotion policies
  • developing QWL (Quality of Life at Work) and actions around well-being and health (prevention of stress, hyper-connectivity, burn-out, etc.).

    Renewing talent acquisition strategies

    In today’s ever-changing environment, HR must prioritize candidates who are adaptable and possess human skills such as emotional intelligence, cognitive flexibility, service orientation…

    As certain profiles become scarcer, HR is obliged to revalue the employer brand to make their company attractive. The search for talent, which is expanding geographically and involves all age groups, is facilitated by several artificial intelligence-based tools:

    • Autonomous sourcing, to find passive candidates thanks to an advanced analysis of the data present on the Internet
    • “resume screening”, which extracts the most relevant information for the position to be filled
    • conversational assistants that help recruiting teams to ask or answer questions, collect information…
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