The major challenges of the Human Resources department

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Published on 5 April 2022

In recent years, there have been many innovations in the business world. This trend is not likely to fade in the near future. Digital transformation also affects the Human Resources department, and remains a real challenge, particularly when it comes to optimizing HR processes.
So how can we prepare for this coming revolution in business practices, and how can the Human Resources department contribute to it?

The central role of Human Resources

HR has the responsibility to accompany and prepare employees for the changes that will affect them. To do so, they must take into consideration the specific environment of the company in order to choose the tool that will be fully adapted. Today, human resources management is no longer limited to career management or the recruitment process. The aim is to enhance the value of our employees, while at the same time improving our employer brand. To achieve this, it must have access to a maximum amount of data (big data) and, of course, the ability to analyze it correctly (through reporting and business intelligence). business intelligence), while complying with current regulations.

Develop a digital culture within the company

Contrary to popular belief, it is not up to the IT department to create a dynamic around digital tools in a company. This task is more the responsibility of the HR manager or the Chief Digital Officer. Indeed, not everyone masters the use of new technologies. It is therefore natural (and logical) to use all the training levers available internally. Imagine the impact that the arrival of a computer tool can have for a technician or a maintenance operator who is not used to handling it and who has not been trained to do so. For some people, this can be very destabilizing and even difficult to live with. The human resources department will therefore take responsibility for change management by relying on communication, digital marketing or UX design. It must also assure employees that technological change will not make their work more complex and that it represents real progress for them and their careers in the company.

Human Resources Management: 4 major challenges to consider

The human resources department plays a key role in managing and improving the company’s performance. In an ever-changing world, HR is facing several major challenges that will be important in the future.

Develop the employer brand and attract talent

Recruiting new competent employees is essential for a company. This is the role of human resources. To achieve this, we need to work on the employer brand, the company’s true identity.

Enhance the employee experience and build loyalty

The employee experience has become a “must” that must be well defined and implemented. This employee-centered approach seeks to enhance the value of the human being by placing him or her at the heart of human actions. To build employee loyalty, HR will need to think in terms of a genuine employee experience right from the start of the relationship with a candidate.

Coping with new regulations

New regulatory constraints have been added to the challenges facing human resources management. The GDPR, the withholding tax among others have added work to the table for HRDs.

Develop a digital culture

With the rise of digital technology and the development of new and more efficient tools, one of the major challenges of the HRD will be to lead and accompany the change within the company. Taking advantage of new and increasingly efficient technologies will allow a good number of HR processes to be automated, particularly with an HRIS tool. These are the main challenges that the human resources department will have to face in the months and years to come. The objective is to face them in order to improve the global performance of the company.

How do you successfully implement an HRIS project in your company?

Are you planning an HRIS project? Don't leave anything to chance: follow our guide to the successful implementation of your HRIS!


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