A complete guide to quickly setting up a NetSuite connector with Oracle Integration Cloud

Cloud ERP, NetSuite is a strategic asset for your business but integrating it seamlessly with your other SaaS and on-premise applications is a real headache? Complex data flows, time-consuming manual processes, loss of efficiency…

The challenges are many, and can slow down your company’s growth. In this detailed tutorial, we’ll take you step-by-step through the configuration of a NetSuite connector with Oracle Integration Cloud.

IT Strategy

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Data Integration Consultant

In today’s technology-driven business landscape, systems integration and data synchronization play a crucial role in effective operations management.

NetSuite, as a widely used ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) platform, offers a range of modules to manage different aspects of a business, such as accounting, financial management and much more. However, NetSuite’s effectiveness depends to a large extent on its ability to communicate with other software systems used within the company. This is where the need to configure a NetSuite connector comes in.

Configuring this connector represents a major challenge for companies, as it involves the seamless integration of NetSuite with various other SaaS products. This integration is crucial to ensuring data consistency across the enterprise, avoiding duplicate data entry and maximizing operational efficiency. This is where Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) comes in.

OIC offers a complete solution for integrating applications and services, enabling seamless communication between NetSuite and other SaaS products. Using the secure token-based authentication (TBA) method provided by OIC, companies can easily and securely configure a NetSuite connector, facilitating integration with other software systems.

In this article, we’ll explore in detail how to configure a NetSuite connector with the secure token-based authentication (TBA) method, enabling NetSuite to interact with other SaaS.

Let’s delve into the details to find out how to optimally configure this connector and take full advantage of NetSuite’s capabilities.

Requirements for configuring the NetSuite Connector with OIC

Before setting up the NetSuite connector, it’s essential to ensure that certain prerequisites are met. Here are the key elements you’ll need:

  1. An active NetSuite account: Make sure you have a valid NetSuite account with the necessary permissions to access APIs and configure integrations.

  2. An Oracle Integration Cloud subscription: To use OIC, you need an active subscription. If you haven’t already done so, contact your Oracle representative for more information.
  3. Basic knowledge of REST APIs: An understanding of the fundamental concepts of REST APIs will help you configure the NetSuite connector.
  4. A test environment: We strongly recommend configuring the connector in a test environment before deploying it in production. This will ensure that everything works properly without impacting your actual data.

How do I configure the NetSuite connector with OIC?

Now that you’ve checked the prerequisites, let’s move on to the concrete steps involved in configuring the NetSuite connector with Oracle Integration Cloud.

To set up the NetSuite Connector with the token authentication method, perform the following actions:

  1. Activate the required integration functions
  2. Create a NetSuite integration record
  3. Create an access token
  4. Recover account ID
  5. Format WSDL URL
  6. Configuring the NetSuite connector in OIC

Activate required NetSuite integration functions

Log in to NetSuite and navigate through the screens:

Setup > Company > Enable Features

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Click on SuiteCloud.

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Then go to the SuiteTalk and Manage Authentication sections.

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Creating a NetSuite integration record

Navigate through the screens :
Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations > New

Enter information such as the name of your integration, activate it and tick TBA.

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The consumer key and consumer secret will be generated at the bottom of the page after saving, so don’t forget to write them down somewhere.

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Creating an access token

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Navigate through the screens :
Home > Manage Access Tokens > New My Access Token

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From the drop-down list, select the application name you entered whenregistering integrations (step 2). The Token Name will be filled in automatically.

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After saving, the Token Id and Secret Token will be generated, so remember to write them down somewhere.

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Account ID retrieval

Navigate through the screens:
Setup > Company > Company information > Account Id

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WSDL url formatting

The WSDL consists of the suiteTalk and the product version.

Its formatting is available here

  • Obtaining suiteTalk

Navigate through the screens :
Setup > Company > Company information
Click on Company URLs

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  • The product version can be accessed from the bottom of the home page.
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Once all this information is available, you can fill in all the fields required to operate your NetSuite connector.

Go to OIC Oracle Integration Cloud to create a NetSuite connector and enter the information retrieved from NetSuite.


Connector configuration in OIC

Connect to OIC and create a new NetSuite connector.

Navigate through the screens:
Design > Login > Create

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And that’s it, your connector is configured!

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Conclusion on configuring a NetSuite connector with OIC

Congratulations! Now you know how to set up a NetSuite connector with Oracle Integration Cloud.

In conclusion, configuring a NetSuite connector is an essential step in the process of integrating NetSuite with other SaaS, as it opens up a communication window with the other SaaS you want to interact with.

Are you ready to transform your company into an engine of efficiency and innovation? We can help you make this crucial transition. Together, let’s build a connected, agile and high-performance enterprise architecture! Contact us today for all your specific needs.



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