ERP solution: what is the difference between Oracle ERP cloud and Peoplesoft?

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Published on 5 April 2022

Oracle ERP Cloud and PeopleSoft are two software solutions used to automate back-office processes and daily business activities. Both ERP packages are comprehensive and offer modules for financial management, supply chain management, project management, accounting and purchasing. But how can the two ERP solutions be differentiated? Discover our ERP solutions.

The approach of the two ERP finance solutions

The first obvious difference between the two management solutions offered by Oracle is their approach to the use of business intelligence tools.

PeopleSoft offers a free approach. The software comes with standardized processes that match common business organizations. But it can be adapted to specific organizational needs thanks to its customization tools, notably the “Software Engineering Workshop” or SAGE.

This PeopleSoft innovation allows to modify in real time the standard components of the solution such as the navigation menu, the graphic interface or the programs, but not only. It also enables you to develop applications tailored to your needs.

Oracle ERP Cloud, on the other hand, is a more standardized ERP project. Most of the applications they offer are not modifiable. It is only possible to adjust some non-essential reports/reports through the PaaS offering. This offer gives you access to a software platform maintained by Oracle.

This ERP software does not adapt to your needs, it is your teams and your organization that must adapt to it.

SaaS or On Premise architecture

Oracle ERP Cloud offers a SaaS (Software as a Service) architecture, which means that the solution can be used online. The integration of Oracle ERP Cloud is done by the editor who manages the physical infrastructure and the servers dedicated to its operation. As a result, the publisher is also responsible for the software version upgrades and its global maintenance.

PeopleSoft operates on an “On Premise” architecture. The software is therefore not accessible remotely via the network, but physically present on the company’s servers. The latter does not pay a subscription fee, since it must acquire the software license. Upgrades and maintenance of the solution are therefore the responsibility of the user.

Project implementation

The Oracle ERP Cloud solution is to be implemented according to a specific approach developed by the editor. It’s a mix between the agile method (collaboration between multi-disciplinary, organized teams) and the V cycle (a top-down flow of activity to detail the product, then a bottom-up flow to realize it).

The agile method is mainly used for the prototyping phase corresponding to the implementation of the solution. Sprints (groups of people involved in a part of the development of a project for a given period) are deployed. Then, it is possible to switch to a V-cycle for each of these sprints. As the solution is standardized, the project phases are relatively short and based on iterative parameterization.

The implementation of the PeopleSoft solution does not meet the same criteria. Indeed, for this software, the deployment is linked to the degree of customization operated by each company. So, the less customization you choose, the more the integration process will follow a mixed model similar to that of Oracle ERP Cloud.

On the other hand, if the customization of the software is strong, this phase will require much more customization and will also be longer. Indeed, a strong customization implies additional testing phases, because it is necessary to ensure the coherence of the interactions between the internal functionalities, but also with third party applications.

Post delivery maintenance

After the delivery of the ERP Cloud software solution, application maintenance must be maintained to identify product anomalies and report them to the Oracle Publisher’s development teams. They can then determine whether they need to take this information into account and create an appropriate patch.

For PeopleSoft, it is necessary to rely on both a TMA team and a development team. As with the other solution, the TMA team identifies anomalies, but can escalate them directly to the internal development team. The latter, depending on the problem encountered, will be able to correct the problem or transfer it to the software publisher’s development teams.

Conclusion: turnkey solution or customizable solution?

As you can see, PeopleSoft and Oracle ERP Cloud are two very comprehensive solutions, with the same functional coverage, but very different approaches. The first software brings much more freedom to companies thanks to its customization possibilities at all levels. It can be adapted to the organizational and administrative specificities of all companies. On the other hand, it requires more time to deploy, a longer test phase and additional expenses (maintenance, upgrades, servers, etc.).

In contrast, Oracle ERP Cloud is an ERP software that offers turnkey solutions that are much less burdensome. The physical infrastructure is managed by the editor, as is the maintenance of the system. However, you must follow the standard operating process. You can’t modify, customize or create your own management tools.

In the end, these two programs from the same publisher are aimed at completely different company profiles.

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