What are the major challenges facing CIOs today?

For several years, digital transformation has been impacting the business world. There have been many developments that have improved the daily lives of all employees. The IT department is obviously at the heart of this ongoing evolution, as are the human resources and financial departments. A new IT project is inevitably subject to new challenges. So what will be the next big challenges for CIOs in the years to come?

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Improve internal customer relations

If the consideration of experiences related to digital transformation for customers is a priority for the
If considering digital transformation experiences for customers is a priority for the CIO, it doesn’t always seem to apply to internal employees.

Indeed, the software used is far from offering the same fluid and intuitive experience as the applications offered to the general public. It is common to download applications not recognized by the IT department to compensate for this lack. This bypass necessarily generates a breach in the company’s security. Creating “user friendly ” internal applications is therefore one of the next challenges for the CIO.

Accompany the change towards new uses

Developing the information system is not the sole responsibility of the IT department. This department must also monitor technology in order to offer the most effective tools to all employees. Use of mobile work
Big Data,
social networks and open source software will, for example, be at the center of IT managers’ concerns in the coming months.

Being aware of new technologies or tools on the market is not enough. It is necessary to accompany the change within the company. To achieve this, communication, pedagogy and real listening to users will be the best allies of an IT manager.

Never forget that you can have the best digital tool in the world, it will become totally inoperative and useless if it doesn’t get the support of your users.

CIO Challenges: the importance of IT security

If security has always been one of the major concerns of IT departments, it must be said that it will become absolutely vital for companies in the years to come.

Data theft attempts are on the rise around the world and many are successful. No society can feel totally safe. The challenge for the CIO is to provide the highest level of security, while facilitating access to data and without restricting business activities.

International companies also have to deal with the issue of data sovereignty. This notion may evolve in the near future depending on the privacy and data hosting laws in force in different countries. In Europe, the main objective will be to move away from American or Chinese solutions.

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